PROJECT   “Awake Mind, Absolve Future” (AMAF)


Environmental problems are not a national problem, but a universal problem that all humanity should act jointly in solving the problem. It is important that an increasingly polarized humanity moves away from this primitive point of view and acquires a structure that puts the interests of humanity that can work together to solve problems ahead of the national interests.

AMAF project has been designed with international participation, which requires collaborative work with 5 partners, and aims to contribute to the solution of the climate crisis and environmental problems, which are a global problem, and to contribute to the needs of all partners.

In order to protect our future in this age when environmental problems have reached serious dimensions, it is necessary to gain social common sense and to carry out effective studies on this path. In the project designed for this purpose, the climate crisis and environmental problems will be studied for the first time through P4C, a philosophical thinking method, and its goals are:

-To increase environmental awareness and awareness of environmental problems with the P4C, philosophical thinking method with children.

-To contribute to the solution of environmental problems and help sustainable environmental and climate goals.

– To be able to raise environmentally literate individuals.

-To reorganize the human-nature relationship and to provide people with ethical values about the environment.

-To introduce the school/institution staff to the field of environmental psychology.

-To be able to develop students’ creative, critical, collaborative, and attentive, logical thinking, and analysing skills using the P4C method.

-To recognise universal problems through international collaborative work.

-To have an intercultural exchange.

-To develop intellectual flexibility skills.

-To acquire universal ethical values.

-To improve foreign language use.

– To produce creative and flexible solutions to environmental problems in this way to develop problem-solving skills.

– To contribute into the students’ democratic life skills development.

-To develop students’ research, risk analysis and evaluation skills on environmental and climate crisis issues.

– To improve digital skills.

The expected results to be achieved in the light of these goals are as follows:

-Increasing the environmental awareness of the school/institution staff.

-Creating an exhibition of endemic plants, augmented-virtual reality videos, 360 videos, and environmentally tangible products.

-Contributing to the environmental problems of our planet in sequence from our immediate surroundings to the remotes.

-Conducting educational work such as a virtual book on environmental issues, an environmental club.

–Systematic environmental education in our school for sustainable environmental awareness.

– Educating environmentally literate individuals with environmental training.

-Implementing small-scale agriculture in the schoolyard and creating an organic fertilizer production area.

P4C makes it easier for children to analyse and resolve complex situations. P4C, which is a supportive teaching method for the preparation of future adults who are under threat of a climate crisis in a mental sense, contributes to solving global problems.



Working in evaluation project Objectives, Cultural trip, working with a sample of P4C Interrogation,.

LTTA1 – POLAND – LODZ – 21-25 AUGUST 2022

Climate change and health – environmental topics presentation, education on the relationship between environment and health and its connection with endemic problems.  Visiting MOLecoLAB of Medical University of Lodz.


Game Based Learning as practise Learning. Excursion to learn the local nature

LTTA3 – SPAIN – IBI – 7-10 FEBRUARY 2023


LTTA4 – SPAIN – IBI – 7-10 JUNE 2023




Ibi, Sustainable City Award for the environmental education programs promoted by the Biodiversity Museum This recognition highlights the project “Insects move the world”, developed by the Biodiversity Museum and the Torretes Biological Station-Botanical Garden of the AU in Ibi.

1. The bees move the World

2. Urban Gardens

With the provision of urban gardens, the municipality is provided with a space for social coexistence around the individual cultivation of small plots, which in turn allows obtaining a production of vegetables and ornamentals for self-consumption, always based on the use techniques that are respectful with the environment that allow our neighbors to have access to organic food grown by themselves, favoring the integration and coexistence between the cultures that are typical of the countryside and the city, in coherence with the legacy that we intend to deliver to future generations

3. Bocashi

Bocashi is an organic fertilizer obtained from the decomposition of plant and animal residues in the presence of air, where certain materials are used to speed up the process… Bocashi provides many nutrients necessary to stimulate the growth and development of the crops.

4. Explaination about Sustainability

Each one of our actions counts on the planet, we must avoid global warming since it is our planet, if we do not take care of it nobody else is going to do it, it does not cost us anything to reduce energy consumption, take a shorter shower, leave to buy plasters, among others, LET’S TAKE CARE OF OUR PLANET

5. Where the energy lives

Animation video that explains in very clear and powerful language different sources of energy, linking them to the forms of energy they produce. Encourages the students to pose questions and think critically about the subject matter.

6. How to attract worms to your garden

Have you heard about how beneficial earthworms can be for the health of your garden? For this reason we want to help you attract many of these incredible animals to your soil, so that the health of your crops improves and your entire garden benefits.

7. Sostainable Development

Sustainability is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the capacity of future generations, guaranteeing a balance between economic growth, care for the environment and social well-being.

Climate Change VR videos

360º VR videos:

What is climate change in short?
Climate change refers to long-term changes in temperatures and weather patterns. These changes can be natural, for example, through variations in the solar cycle.

Climate Changers Trailer:

Meet your carbon footprint:

Explore with us through an immersive virtual reality video how our daily choices can feed or fight climate change.

What Climate Change Will Look Like on Earth:

The potential future effects of global climate change include more frequent wildfires, longer periods of drought in some regions, and an increase in the duration and intensity of tropical storms.


Underwater Life

Climate change videos for pupils:

Climate Change – A Short Film

Climate Change for Kids | A fun engaging introduction to climate change for kids

Global Warming from 1880 to 2021:

Carbon Footprint: Animated time lapse following the decomposition of a tin:

Animated videos for pupils:

Animation about relationship with the natural world

Global Warming for Kids with HUE Animation:

Global warming is constituted by the absorption of solar energy by the earth. When the earth warms up, it releases heat into the atmosphere in the form of infrared rays. However, part of this heat is sent back to the earth’s surface and the consequence is its overheating.

Global Warming – video for kids:

Climate Change and the Greenhouse Effect:

Smile and Learn Climate Change – The environment for Kids:

Global Warming:

(Allows subtitles to be set in 49 languages)

Greenhouse Effect:

Basically it is the effect by which the heat from the sun that reaches the earth is not bounced back into space in its entirety and remains in a certain percentage, giving rise to an ideal temperature for life on planet earth (animals, plants, beings). alive…).

(Allows subtitles to be set in 49 languages)

European Week for Waste Reduction (19-27 November 2022)

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.