With a Little Help Project
Project entitled “With a little help …” is a strategic partnership project in the field of school education with the main goal of developing a new, innovative online work program for students with special educational needs (SEN) and supporting their social inclusion and empowerment for independent living.
Our consortium consists of 7 partners from Poland, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey, who have combined experience in solving this problem. The project duration is 24 months, from March 2021 to February 2023.
We believe that the proper implementation of personalized technology-enhanced learning by implementing the ePortfolio method with the use of other ICT and Internet tools for students with intellectual disabilities and with SEN will provide solutions to important pedagogical problems, especially in a situation of epidemic closure and forced isolation. In addition, the online learning offered will contribute to the development of students’ key competences as well as reflection on the acquired skills.
The main addressees of the project “With a little help …” are educators, teachers and teaching staff working with students with special needs.
The partners will also share their knowledge to introduce approaches that are not applied in the socio-cultural environments of partner organizations, even though practice and research have shown a good impact on many levels.
Intellectual Output (IO) is based on needs analyzes consistent with the goals of policies for the inclusion of students with special needs in the mainstream education system:
O1– Research on the best practices for the integration and social inclusion of students with special needs and people with disabilities, as well as international and national policies, as well as the tested and implemented project effects and products.
IO2 – Presentations at the meeting and on project platforms containing 7 modules using the ePortfolio method and other tools for the implementation of educational tasks, developing social competences and for rehabilitation at school for students with SEN.
IO3 – Handbook – a guide on the implementation of the ePortfolio methodology, containing online lesson plans and the work program, combining formal, non-formal and informal learning methods, adapted to online learning. The manual also includes min. 196 examples – compiled online resources in ePortfolio and training resources in Moodle platform.
There will be 2 trainings:
C1 – Staff training – (three teachers from each country) How to start working with the ePortfolio method – technical and content-related aspects. Other modules implemented by partners and their implementation into ePortofolio, rules for testing solutions.
Testing for these solutions will be carried out by teachers from each country differently. The group of testing educators will be at least 28 people.The indirect participants participating in the testing and implementation of the developed program and its components are students with intellectual disabilities from Poland, Romania and Bulgaria, a total of at least 80 people, and the end users of the program developed under the project will be groups of students from schools cooperating with individual partners in each partner country – and then, after dissemination, each school in each of the project consortium countries and other EU countries.
C2 – Staff training – (Four teachers from each country) Advanced functions in the ePortfolio method – technical and content-related aspects. Other modules implemented by partners and their implementation into ePortofolio, rules after testing for the implementation of developed solutions.
The implementation of these solutions will be carried out by teachers from each country in different ways. The group of implementing educators will consist of at least 28 people.
The indirect participants participating in the testing and implementation of the developed program and its elements are students with intellectual disabilities from Poland, Romania and Bulgaria, a total of at least 80 people, and the end users of the program developed as part of the project will be groups of students from schools cooperating with individual partners in each partner country – and then, after dissemination, each school in each of the project consortium countries and other EU countries.
During seven events – one per country, project results will be disseminated to stakeholders, schools and other settings, and to local and national decision makers. The program will also undergo scientific validation. Then we will focus on relevant stakeholders and decision makers who can support the development and implementation of online resources in all schools and centers for social inclusion and integration in the EU.
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