CodeCivics – Coding Better Communities

Project Reference: 2023-2-MK01-KA220-YOU-000184609


CodeCivics aims to develop a methodology for youth workers to use coding and computational thinking for active citizenship, community development, youth initiatives and youth entrepreneurship. The project will provide resources and training for youth workers to teach introductory coding in non-formal settings, and offer practical opportunities for young people to develop digital skills through hands-on experiences and engage in civic projects that address community challenges.


In the time frame of the project we will implement the following activities:
• 1 mobility of youth workers and 1 mobility of young people, introducing them to the importance of computational thinking, programming and coding as skills of the present and of the future, for active citizenship and entrepreneurship;
• 5 follow-up training courses organized by the trained youth workers;
• 5 multiplier events for the promotion of the project results;
• Transnational meetings in the partner countries.


With the project we aim to achieve several key results and outcomes, i.e. a developed methodology for teaching coding, programming, and computational thinking in non-formal settings. We plan to create 3 freely-available digital assets based on this methodology – a toolkit, MOOC, and a website. Additionally, we will train 20 youth workers during our training course and involve 30 young people during our youth exchange. Finally, we expect to reach 80 participants at our multiplier events.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.