
The motivation behind our project is rooted in the urgent need to address discrimination, prejudices, and social divisions that persist within our society. While progress has been made towards inclusivity, many individuals and communities still face barriers and biases that hinder their full participation and potential.

Our project, aimed at integrating organizational development and the fight against discrimination through the living library methodology, holds the potential to drive transformative change at both individual and systemic levels.

The living library method has already demonstrated its effectiveness in reducing prejudice and fostering empathy by allowing people to engage in candid, one-on-one conversations with individuals from diverse backgrounds.

By extending this approach to the corporate realm, we aspire to create workplace environments that are not only culturally rich but also free from discrimination and bias. This aligns seamlessly with the goals of Erasmus+ by fostering cooperation among organizations, promoting adult education, and contributing to social inclusion.

Our project’s innovative aspect lies in its holistic approach, uniting organizational development and the living library concept. By targeting not only organizers of living libraries but also HR professionals, managers, and educators, we intend to amplify the impact of the methodology.

The inclusivity-focused training and education offered will empower individuals to challenge their biases, effectively communicate across differences, and create lasting change within their workplaces.

The project’s potential for success is further underscored by our existing engagement with companies and the positive feedback we’ve received. Through partnerships and networking, we aim to scale up our impact, involving a wider range of organizations and individuals.

This will, in turn, contribute to a broader societal transformation, where discrimination is confronted, and individuals from all backgrounds can thrive in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Funding for this project is essential to drive its realization. It will facilitate the development of comprehensive methodologies, the creation of educational materials, and the implementation of training programs.

By investing in our project, Erasmus+ would support an initiative that aligns with its core values of promoting education, inclusivity, and cooperation. The potential ripple effects, from fostering an inclusive work environment to creating positive societal change, make this project a strategic and meaningful endeavor worthy of funding.

Objectives: What do you want to achieve by implementing the project?

Pioneer the integration of Living Library (LL) methodology into Human Resources (HR) and diversity management practices. Its primary objectives are to: Develop a comprehensive manual on using LL for HR and diversity management.

Foster the capacity of organizations, including NGOs, businesses, and educational institutions, to implement LL effectively. Promote diversity, inclusion, and empathy within corporate cultures. Create a sustainable network of LL practitioners and stakeholders

Implementation: What activities are you going to implement?

Kick-Off Meeting: Establish project fundamentals, roles, and collaboration.Research and Needs Analysis: Assess LL adoption potential in HR. Initial Dissemination Event: Raise awareness and engage stakeholders.

Main Training and Networking Event: Train and network with HR professionals.Pilot Program and Implementation: Implement LL for HR in partner countries.

Creating the Manual: Develop a comprehensive LL for HR guide.Final Dissemination and Growth: Share results and engage stakeholders.

Results: What results do you expect your project to have?

By using the Living Library methodology, our project seeks to foster intercultural understanding, reduce discrimination, and promote dialogue among diverse groups, especially within corporate and HR settings.

We will achieve this through a series of activities, including research, pilot programs, manual creation, dissemination, and impact evaluation. Our outcomes encompass the development of practical guidance for integrating Living Library into HR practices and an international network.




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