Valencian Corner

This is our special corner for promote Valencian Language, regional language spoken in the Valencian Community, Spain.
We are working on different projects to promote Valencian Language. Coming soon, we will update with new results.
In 2020, we worked on the Valencian Language Web development, also we worked on 45 comic cartoons representative of everyday life, entirely in Valencian Language.
These activities have been developed thanks to the contribution of the Generalitat Valenciana and Conselleria de Educació, Cultura i Esport.

Thats 45 Comic Strips that relate Roseta’s Adventures and other characters. Our ChairWoman Xaro Navarro, children’s book and poetry author “La Carabassa Tomasa”, “Contes D’animalets i animalots”, o “Més d’animalets i animalots” has contributed on development.