Idea Project

The strategic partnership “IDEA” aims to improve of the quality of education process of VET schools across Europe regarding development of new innovative methodologies for creating digital lessons for VET schools, improvement of digital skills of the staff and creating interactive and inclusive lessons for students.

In order to do this, the partners will enhance the skills of the teachers/educators for working with innovative methods online. The partners will develop a combination of methodology and digital tools for teachers’ use.

We chose to develop new methodology for online/ digital lessons deliberately, because in our previous experience, we believe to be more effective, successful and popular than online lessons based on one-side presentation lectures. This methodology will help students connect, be interactive, be more active and creative during lessons.

This is a strong tool in times when visual/digital communication is very important, especially among youth. We’ll use “their language” to motivate them.


– there will be 3 Feasibility studies in every participating schools, 6 Transnational meetings, 1 Learning Teaching Training, 1 Multiplier Event, designing the Digital Toolkit and creating a website.

Target groups:

– primary: teachers, educators, staff in VET schools;

– secondary: students in VET schools, other teachers/educators.

The final results from this project will be:

– Baseline: research and analysis of the current situation of digital readiness of VET schools and creation of a culture-sensitive model of blended/distance learning and teaching (IO1).

– Innovative methodology for distance learning (IO2).

– Feasibility studies and testing the new methodology in the VET high-schools in N. Macedonia, Italy and Portugal (IO3 – IO5), which will serve as the base for the development and finalising of the Digital Toolkit and the website.

– Digital toolkit (IO6);

– website, which will serve as a portal/ database for all educators in Europe (IO7).

The Digital Toolkit will contain tools and methods for teachers. These innovative methods and digital tools will enable the teachers to be ready to create a distance learning lesson. These tools and methods can be used for facilitating different stages of the lesson: intro, team building, main part, closure, debriefing and evaluation and assessment.

The website will contain the download links for the research, the methodology, the tools, reports of the case studies, step-by-step instructions on how to create a online lesson. It will also contain practical tips and tricks for facilitation for the teachers, ways of adapting the techniques, etc.

These results will be free to use, easily accessible for every teacher/ educator interested.

The tools will be easily understandable, user-friendly and intuitive, so they can be useful for every teacher regardless of their experience.
The project will have concrete impact on several levels, on the participating teachers, on the organisations involved in the project, the education system in general during these times,
students who need to attend the lessons.

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