Personal learning environment to improve young people's skills for future challenges


The objective of the project is to create an inclusive digital personalized learning environment that allows serving the most disadvantaged young people, improving digital transformation, while establishing in an adapted way access to knowledge that is important for the development of their key competences. It is about establishing a collection of digital tools that allow their adaptation and that enable young people to advance in the topics of interest in their informal and non-formal training, which are increasingly relevant in such a changing environment. This project aims to give continuity to our action in courses and workshops with inclusive young people. We have an agreement with the City Council of Ibi for the realization of inclusive courses, where the percentage of disadvantaged young people is 30%. The social and educational services are those provided by the students and after the courses they ask us to continue doing activities at home. Commenting with the project partners, we have all analyzed that the demand for options for these young people goes through providing a methodology in the courses that allows them to become aware of their own lifelong learning. It is about improving that especially these young people improve their skills in all aspects, both social, family and work environment focusing on the improvement of recognition and self-realization, defined at the top of Maslow's pyramid. We address the improvement of interpersonal skills that allow collaboration and entrepreneurship in a global environment. In the same way, the knowledge of volunteering is supported that promotes an active citizenship that addresses the problems of society from knowledge and critical thinking, applying creative solutions and with social responsibility, which is why the so-called "fake news" and the development of intrapersonal skills that allow self-management and develop their digital competence are included. To this end, three expert entities will work in a complementary way in the elaboration of a digital environment based on a PLE (Personal Learning Environment) adapted to the topics of interest of young people for their informal learning, including a SPOOC as non-formal learning, which will include the necessary training to adapt the PLE to each case.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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