Learning serious video game coding for green awareness
Project Reference: 2022-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000085499
This project aims to improve the employability of unemployed young people, increasing the number of professionals in the video game sector in Europe. Proposing the keys to promote the serious video game sector committed to aspects of social awareness, such as raising awareness of green issues. Encourage women to join the video game sector as professionals. Attend to inclusion, promote digital transformation and improve the necessary soft skills.
The consortium formed by 6 multidisciplinary partners from 5 countries and experts in VET training will hold four transnational meetings and short-term training to develop the project. All the partners will hold seminars at the end of the project to reach 1,000 registered users on the SPOOC platform (developed by CENTER OF EDUCATION AND INNOVATION), RIGA TECHNISKA UNIVERSITATE will develop video games developed and the complementary digital PLE will be created by BLUEBEEHIVE to continue learning once the proposed course has finished. 20 serious mini-video games will create green awareness in general public.
Games4Green will offer holistic training for game development. For this, 10 modules will be created that cover the main professional profiles that collaborate in the creation of a video game. An e-learning platform will be created in SPOOC (Self-Paced Open Online Course) format, which will be complemented by a PLE (Personal Learning Environment) creating a Learning Path for each professional profile. 20 Green Mini-Video Games will raise awareness and be templates for future developments.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.