Implementation of immersive activities for gender equality with virtual reality:
The podcasts recorded have been extended as a result of the small workshops with young people, both in collaboration with schools and with the youth areas. The following topics have been offered to generate debate and contingencies. Our expert has recorded the podcasts that have been most elaborate and have been selected to represent each topic. The 20 podcasts are:
Gender equality in politics
The representation of gender in mitjans
The role of the donut in science and technology
Gender differences in different cultures
Mental health and gender
Gender differences in elite esports
political gifts
Gifts in large companies
Valencian gifts
Paper in the Valencian industry
Gifts and premis (Planeta, Cervantes, Nobel)
Gordophobic gifts (Lalachus Campanades)
Treballs "d'homes" (work, mechanics, electrical…)
Extracurricular activities and the same
Cuina and the same (famous chefs, Michelin stars…)
Gifts and exercit
Gifts, mature woman and cinema
Gifts, maduresa and catwalk
Gifts of third age and gender violence
Rural gifts, depopulation, opportunities.
Direct link to the independent playback of each PODCAST (recorded in Valencian):
Working on equality through education is fundamental and the Educa Igual program of the Blue Beehive Association wants to raise awareness and educate our young people on equality for all. If you work with young people, are a teacher, you can contact us for more information and, if you are a student, tell your teachers that we can also hold a workshop at your school or youth group.
The Educaigual 2024 program has been subsidized by the program that promotes equality between women and men and/or women's associations of the Vice Presidency and Ministry of Social Services, Equality and Housing of the Valencian Community. The podcasts of the Educaigual 2024 program are made up of opinions and points of view expressed by the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Vice Presidency and Ministry of Social Services, Equality and Housing and therefore cannot be considered responsible for these opinions and points of view.