
This Privacy Policy explains how ASSOCIACIO EDUCATIVA I CULTURAL BLUEBEEHIVE (hereinafter referred to as the “Association”) collects, uses, processes and protects the personal data of users of the [Website Name] website (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”).

What personal data does the Association collect?

The Association collects the following personal data from users of the Website:

  • Identification data: First name, last name, email address, phone number, etc.
  • Browsing data: IP address, web browser, operating system, browsing history, etc.
  • Interaction data: Comments, opinions, suggestions, etc.

How does the Association use personal data?

The Association uses users’ personal data for the following purposes:

  • To manage the Website: To allow access to and use of the Website, as well as to provide the services requested by users.
  • Improve the Website: Analyze user behavior and improve the experience of using the Website.
  • Send commercial communications: Send information about products, services and promotions of the Association to users who have given their consent.
  • Comply with legal obligations: Comply with the legal obligations that are applicable to the Association.

With whom does the Association share personal data?

The Association does not share users’ personal data with third parties without their prior consent.

How long does the Association keep personal data?

The Association retains users’ personal data for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they were collected, as well as to comply with applicable legal obligations.

What rights do users have over their personal data?

Users have the following rights over their personal data:

  • Right of access: Obtain information about your personal data and how it is being processed.
  • Right to rectification: Request the rectification of your personal data in case they are incorrect or incomplete.
  • Right to erasure: Request the erasure of your personal data in case they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or in case the processing is unlawful.
  • Right to object: Object to the processing of your personal data in certain cases.
  • Right to restriction of processing: Request the restriction of the processing of your personal data in certain cases.
  • Right to data portability: To receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and to transmit them to another data controller.

How can users exercise their rights?

Users may exercise their rights over their personal data by sending a written request to the following address:


The request must include the user’s full name, email address, and a description of the right you wish to exercise.

How can the Association protect personal data?

The Association implements the following security measures to protect users’ personal data:

  • Technical measures: Data access control, data encryption, etc.
  • Organisational measures: Staff training, safety procedures, etc.

How can the Association change this Privacy Policy?

The Association may change this Privacy Policy at any time. The updated version of the Privacy Policy will be available on the Website.

Updated June 21, 2024


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, you can contact us at