“Virtual reality Education & Game based Achievements in classrooms”
Erasmus+ Ka201 Project, 2020-1-FI01-KA201-066641,
Leaded by Smedsby-Böle skola
This project explores the pedagogy of play and at the same time, for the student, meaningful learning using the affordances of digital games and VR/AR applications across the curriculum of teaching maths, physics, biology, chemistry, IT, foreign languages, civics and art in primary, secondary and upper secondary schools.
The project aims primarily at promoting GBL and VR/AR use in school as a way to enhance the curriculum with motivating and meaningful content for students.
To achieve this, there are several intermediate steps to take:
– Research in the field of computer games and VR/AR applications for educational use.
– Training the core group of teachers developing and implementing scenarios
– Proposing accessible and flexible digital games and VR/AR applications for schools.
– Developing teaching scenarios for integrating them into the school curriculum.
– Piloting them with school teachers and students.
– Developing the publication containing all these elements.
– Disseminating the publication to leverage its wider impact.
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