A Radio for Employability (ARES)

KA210-ADU – Small-scale partnerships in adult education 2022-1-IT02-KA210-ADU-000081472

We want to introduce young adults on the job market who have theoretical and practical skills in the field of podcasting, but also transversal and managerial skills that raise their employability, changing their attitude (from passive to participation in their personal and professional growth) and their mindset. We also intend to train trainers, to multiply and expand the numerical range of young adults capable of making the leap in quality.

To achieve our goals we will train young adults, who already during the project phases will explore the local, national and European reality in terms of opportunities, improving a series of skills and producing podcasts.

We will also create a videoguide for trainers, in order to transfer methodology and tools to them. A web platform will be the IT heart of the project, of which we will take care of the dissemination and communication to reach a wider audience.

We expect at least 75 young adults trained and ready to enter the world of work with a personal and professional background enriched by the skills acquired and developed during the 12 months of the project. We also expect 150 trainers to acquire the methodology and tools, and 100 local stakeholders to use the platform, understanding how informal and engaging communication and learning projects can produce an increase in skills.

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