Although young people are called digital natives, the truth is that not all of them have received training on online safety, on their digital identity, on controlling app permissions, use of antivirus, fake news, knowledge of malicious software, protecting themselves from behaviour such as cyberbullying, identity theft, etc.

For this fifth year, we continue to expand the programme with the aim of continuing to prepare materials adapted so that the young people of our province can learn how new technologies such as robotics, virtual reality and generative artificial intelligence are especially important to complete their training.

The JOVESPOOC project is being a reference for young people to carry out workshops and learn about new technologies, providing creative alternatives that can promote entrepreneurship, while dealing with relevant topics for their knowledge and updated training. We continue to address the skills in demand with the aim of identifying the educational challenges to meet the growing importance of non-formal education for young people.

The JOVESPOOC Programme has a further raison d'être: to offer them the possibility of acquiring knowledge through experiences that are not offered in formal education. In addition, it is possible to learn online in the SPOOC course format, which allows you to learn about the various sections autonomously, at your own pace and according to your interest and interest.

As well as continuing to apply developments from previous years, three aspects have been expanded:

1. Learning in the design and simulation of circuits for educational robotics using Tinkercad as a simulator of the Arduino motherboard, as open hardware that allows it to be used with sensors and electronic components for the modelling of different robotic projects.

2. Virtual reality applications for knowledge and learning in immersive environments.

3. Introduction to generative artificial intelligence applications that are of interest to young people. We also have a very interesting infographic for each of the three new topics, with the aim of publicising these new developments and providing young people with summarised information about their usefulness.

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